Greetings, Beta Testers!
Several weeks ago, a select group of guinea pig bloggers and social media trend-setters were asked to join the as an elite team of volunteer Beta Testers.
To those who registered, THANK YOU! Your participation as a Beta Tester will help to create a better, easier way to raise money online for guinea pig rescues.
Register as a Beta Tester
If you’re reading this post in your email inbox, then you’re already registered. However, if you’re seeing this post for the first time on the blog, you should sign-up to be a Beta Tester here.
What Do I Have To Do
As a Beta Tester, you are tasked with three very important responsibilities:
- Use as your primary URL shortening service (goodbye,!)
- Use at least twice per week to shorten links you share on Facebook and Twitter
- Participate in two 5 – 10 minute Beta Tester surveys (one in January and one in February 2013)
Beta Testing: January and February 2013
The Beta Test period has been extended to include both January AND February 2013. This was done in order to allow for the collection of a broader range of insights and beta evaluations to help make better.
What’s Next
First, start using to shorten ANY links you share on Facebook, Twitter, or other social profiles beginning January 1, 2013.
Second, next week, an in-depth introduction to Beta Tester responsibilities will be posted on the blog and filed in the Beta Tester category.
Thanks again for your commitment to use during the beta test period. Your participation is so important to us!
We Love Questions
Questions? We love ’em, and please send any and all to admin [at] with the subject “Beta Tester”.
Beta Testers: Welcome and Introduction,