Saturday, Aug 10th, 2013 | category: Asides

Timothy hay and pellets by Small Pet Select
Started several years ago by pet owners looking for a way to provide fresh, high-quality timothy hay to small animal owners, Small Pet Select prides itself on delivering “the highest quality timothy hay for small pets; fresh and directly to the door of owners throughout the continental U.S.”
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Tuesday, May 14th, 2013 | category: Asides | Tags: 2013

Atlanta Metro Guinea Pig Rescue Pigstock 2013
In an effort to share matters of interest — including unique fund-raising ideas — to the guinea pig rescue community, we’d like to bring to your attention Pigstock 2013.
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Saturday, Mar 2nd, 2013 | category: Asides | Tags: 2013

adopt your next cavy during National Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month [source]
Welcome to National Adopt a Guinea Pig Month!
In 2002, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) declared March as “National Adopt a Rescue Guinea Pig Month”. In an effort to bring attention to the needs of homeless guinea pigs, March is a month to help spread the word about the importance of adoption vs. buying a guinea pig. Continue reading…