Wheek If You Support Guinea Pig Rescues

Take the wheek.it challenge:

Volunteer 1 hour or send $20 to your favorite guinea pig rescue each month.

LA Guinea Pig Rescue

Los Angeles, CA USA

Facebook Adopt Donate


Wee Companions

San Diego, CA USA

Facebook Adopt Donate

What Is This?

wheek.it give you the chance to make a positive difference in the lives of rescued guinea pigs, just by shortening links to products you love! Read more about how you can help raise money for guinea pigs on the About page.

How Does It Work?

When you use wheek.it to recommend products from participating shops on Facebook, Twitter or anywhere else, 100% of referral fees will be donated directly to this year's joint featured guinea pig rescues.

How Do I Use It?

Simply copy a link from a participating shop in the URL box at the top of this page. Then click "Shorten". A tiny version of the URL is "wheeked" for you to share on Facebook or Twitter! Check out the FAQ for more info.

Macy's John Lewis Ebay ASDA DirectDirect Joann Fabrics Marks & Spencer Amazon Best Buy Argos Ticketmaster Zappos.com Target Tesco Bluefly Kohls Buy.com
Macy's John Lewis Ebay ASDA DirectDirect Joann Fabrics Marks & Spencer Amazon Best Buy Argos Ticketmaster Zappos.com Target Tesco Bluefly Kohls Buy.com
"raise money for guinea pigs by sharing links to your favorite shops like Joann Fabrics, Amazon, Zappos.com, & more!"

please don't abuse this service. learn about abuse and what it means.